1. Legal Information about RESORT EISGRUB

Business Address: Břeclavská 368, 691 44 Lednice
Company Name - Operator: RESORT EISGRUB s.r.o.
Identification Number (IČO): 09118268
Tax Identification Number (DIČ): CZ09118268
Company Headquarters: Měšťanská 3992/109, 695 01 Hodonín
Contact Phone Number / Email Address: +420 607 123 115 / info@resortlednice.cz
Contact Details for Personal Data Protection: tomas.sedlacek@pivovarlednice.cz
Responsible Person: Tomáš Sedláček

2. Personal Data Protection

These personal data protection policies are related to our website, online reservations, and online voucher purchases. All personal data you provide to us will be handled according to the corresponding security and confidentiality principles and in accordance with the GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and the relevant national legislation.

On what legal basis do we collect and process your information?

If you make an online reservation or purchase an online voucher, we collect and process information about you based on our contractual obligation to perform these processes. All other information not essential for the online reservation or online voucher purchase is collected and processed based on consent, i.e., your explicit consent will be requested, and you have the right to either agree or disagree with providing this information. For example, we will add you to our mailing list only if you subscribe.

Secure Online Reservations

If you decide to make an online reservation on our website, you will be linked to a reservation system provided by our partner, Previo RESERVATION+. All information is sent securely and protected from disclosure to third parties. Previo RESERVATION+ is certified as compliant with the PCI DSS standard (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards).

Why do we collect information?

Information is collected to facilitate the online reservation and online voucher purchase process, to comply with legal obligations imposed on us, to offer you additional services where you agree to these offers, and/or to assist in improving the process for your future needs. If you have subscribed to our mailing list, we collect data to inform you about news and special offers.

What information about you do we collect?

For an online reservation, we require all the data marked with an asterisk, including your name, address, phone number, email address, and credit card details used for payment. We will also collect any other reservation details you provide, such as specifics or special requests.
During the online reservation process, we will ask for your consent to use your contact details for purposes other than your reservation, such as special offers or other types of information.
If you have subscribed to our mailing list, we collect your name and email address to inform you about special offers or other news.
To make an online voucher purchase, we require all the information marked with an asterisk, including your name, address, phone number, email address, recipient's name, and credit card details. We will collect any other data you decide to provide, including address details and a message for the recipient.
We may collect cookies on our website and during the online reservation and online voucher purchase. Detailed information on cookie collection rules can be found below.

What if you do not want to provide your personal data?

If you do not provide the data required in the online reservation or online voucher purchase process marked with an asterisk, you will not be able to complete the respective process, and we recommend contacting us directly.
If you do not wish to provide data not required in the online reservation or online voucher purchase process, i.e., not marked as mandatory, you do not need to provide such data. This will not affect the reservation process.
If you do not wish to provide information required for services other than the reservation itself, i.e., subscribing to newsletters or special offers, then you will not be able to benefit from these services, but in no case will this affect your reservation. If you initially give consent but later decide not to use the services, you can withdraw your consent at any time by unsubscribing and/or you can contact our data protection officer, see contact details above.
If you do not wish us to collect information using cookies, see the information about cookies below.

How do we use your information?

To complete or support a specific activity, e.g., the online reservation process or the purchase of an online voucher.
If you have subscribed to our mailing list, or if you have agreed during the online reservation process that you may be contacted in the future for a reason other than in direct connection with your reservation, we may send you news and information about special offers.
For statistical purposes to enable further improvement.
If further processing occurs, your consent will be required.

Who has access to some or all of the collected information?

Our online reservation partner, Previo, its affiliates, and subsidiaries.
Third parties we use to help with our marketing activities, such as our mailing list.
Some third parties have access to your cookies. Further details can be found in the cookie rules below. Such third parties may store and process these data outside the EU.
Financial settlement services, including financial payment providers, which likely do not share our data protection policies, will have access to credit card information from time to time to facilitate the reservation process.
Government authorities, etc., where necessary.

Is your data secure?

We have secure systems and procedures for data storage.

What are your rights?

You have the right to request access to all data we have about you.
You have the right to request correction of the data we have about you.
You have the right to request deletion of the data we have about you; please note that the removal of some data may affect the provision of our services, or they cannot be deleted due to our obligations to government authorities.
You have the right to data portability; this means you can request the data in a suitable format.
Where consent was given for the collection and processing of your personal data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, for example, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email.
You have the right to file a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority.

How long will we keep your data?

We retain your personal data as long as it is strictly necessary considering the purpose for which it was originally collected or legally further processed.
The criteria we use to determine the duration for which your personal data may be kept include:
the nature and type of personal data you provide to us;
the purpose for which you provide us with your personal data; and
the necessary business and operational requirements to continue providing you with the requested services or functionality.
We may keep your data for a longer period if required by law.

What can you do if you have objections or want to exercise your rights?

You can contact our data protection officer, as mentioned above.
If you believe that our website or systems are collecting incorrect information or if you have any doubts about any information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Children's Privacy and Parental Consent

Please note that this website was not designed for use by persons under the age of 18 nor was it intended to be. Therefore, this website should not be used by anyone under the age of 18. Our personal data protection policies prohibit us from accepting users who are under the age of 18.
Specifically, we require that persons under the age of 18 not use this website and not submit or post any information through it.
If we unintentionally obtain personal data or other information from users under the age of 18, we will not knowingly provide these data to any third party for any purpose, and any subsequent disclosures would be due to the fact that the user under the age of 18 used the website and submitted personal information to us without requesting our consent.

Links to Other Sites

We may provide links to a number of other websites that we believe might offer you useful information and services. However, those websites may not follow the same personal data protection policies. Therefore, we are not responsible for the data protection policies or actions of third parties, including, but not limited to, website owners whose sites may be reached through this website.
We urge you to contact the relevant parties controlling these third-party websites or to look at their online privacy policies before submitting any personal data or other sensitive information.

3. Cookie Policy

This policy describes how we may use cookies on our websites. For the proper functioning of this website, we may place small data files called cookies on your device. The cookies we use allow us to improve our websites and provide you with a service as tailored as possible.

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information downloaded to your device when you visit our website. Cookies are then sent back to the originating website on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognizes that cookie. Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize a user's device. It also allows the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login details, language, font size, and other display preferences) for a certain period of time, so you do not have to re-enter them whenever you return to the website or browse from one section to another. There are several different types of cookies, each serving a different purpose. For example, some cookies are used to remember a user's action, to identify the user, or for online behavioral advertising.

What types of cookies may be used?****

Essential Cookies

Essential cookies are necessary for you to navigate the website and use its features. We use these cookies to enable services you have specifically asked for.

Performance Cookies

Performance cookies are cookies that collect information about how the user uses the website, for example, which sections users visit most often. We use these cookies to anonymously collect information about the sections you have visited.

Functional Cookies

Functional cookies are cookies that allow the website to remember user preferences (name, address, language). We use these cookies to remember user preferences to enhance the user experience.

Advertising Cookies

Advertising cookies are cookies used to deliver advertisements that are more relevant to the user's interests. They remember that a user has previously visited a website. They are often linked to the functionality of the website. We use these cookies to collect information about your browsing habits on the website, so that advertising is relevant to you and your interests.

Tailored Advertising

If you have cookies enabled on your device, we will show you advertisements on our websites. Google and third parties display our advertisements on various websites. If you have cookies enabled, you may see advertisements for these websites on other websites.

Third-Party Cookies

We may install third-party cookies on our websites. Third-party cookies are cookies set by a domain other than the website the user is browsing. If a user visits a website and another entity sets a cookie on that website, it is a third-party cookie.

What cookies are used on the websites?

The following cookies are used on this website - if you want to opt-out of these cookies, please read the section below titled "How can consent to the collection of cookies be withdrawn?".

Google Cookies:

Google cookies are third-party cookies, controlled by Google and may be accessed by Bookassist and the hotel. For more information about Google cookies see: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies
Google Analytics is a third-party performance cookie, essential for the service provided, used to collect information about website usage. For more information about Google Analytics see: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage?hl=en
Google Remarketing is a third-party cookie for advertising (Advertising) and tailored advertising (Tailored Advertising), not essential for the service provided, used to display targeted advertising based on user interests.
Google Adwords is a third-party performance cookie, not essential for the service provided, used to collect statistical data about usage and conversion.

Other Third-Party Cookies:

Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ are third-party cookies for social media sharing (Social Media sharing), not essential for the service provided. They are controlled by the respective third parties. Vimeo and Youtube are third-party cookies used for video display, not essential for the service provided. They are controlled by the respective third parties.

Will cookies be used for other purposes than stated above?

Cookies will not be used for purposes other than those stated above, however, these cookie policies may change from time to time. Therefore, it is your responsibility to read the most up-to-date cookie policies whenever you use our services or visit our websites.

How can consent to the collection of cookies be withdrawn?

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – details can be found at www.aboutcookies.org
You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. If you do this, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a website and some services and functionalities may not work.
To opt-out of the Google Analytics service, please visit the Google Analytics Opt-out Page https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/
To opt-out of Tailored Advertising, please visit the Tailored Advertising Opt-out Page http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/
Please note that by blocking cookies, it is possible that you may not be able to use the full functionality of these websites, especially the use of the reservation system to complete a reservation.

Your Right to Privacy?

We respect your right to privacy. All personal data you provide on these websites will be treated with the corresponding security and confidentiality standards and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and with regard to the relevant national legislation.

Changes to Policies

We reserve the right to change these policies at any time and publish changes without specific notice to website users.